Overall strategy

Citrix developed a strategy is based on 3 pillars of work:

Systemic — using our influence to support Black communities and impact changes in the tech industry.

Internal — modifying our processes and programs to prevent bias, attract, develop, retain, and reward people to promote racial equity and sharing aggregate data and progress freely.

Personal — committing to our own learning journey to become an organization where we all belong.

As Citrix continues our journey toward developing a comprehensive racial equity strategy, we are striving to: (1) open a dialogue among all our stakeholders; (2) stimulate engagement among our employees, so

that we become curious to learn more and passionate about contributing to solutions; (3) drive meaningful and permanent change toward social justice for the betterment of all in our society. We are committed to tackling systemic racism and unconscious bias that exists in our society.

Three major focus areas of our racial equity and social justice initiative and their impact created in 2020:

  • Scholarships and Internships

  • Narrowing the digital divide

  • Adopt-a-school program

Case Study: Developing a strategy for social justice and racial equity